Cllr. Dee Simson


BH2023/00839 – 9 The Ridgway


4th May 2023:


I am writing to support the many residents who have contacted me to object to the demolition of the existing bungalow to facilitate the erection of 2no three-bedroom dwellings at the rear and 2no three-bedroom dwellings to front with associated works.


There are several reasons for this objection.


This application is clearly an overdevelopment of the site.

In order to squeeze them in it has necessitated plans to build very close to the side boundaries which will cause loss of privacy, increased nuisance and overlooking of nearby properties.


The Ridgway has a mix of houses, all of which are individual in design, but which have adequate amenity space for the size of each accommodation. Woodingdean

is favoured for its large gardens and play space.

The amenity space proposed for these properties is inadequate for the size of each three-bedroom property which could house several children.


“The planning authority will require the provision of private useable amenity space in new residential development where appropriate to the scale and character of the development.”


The drawings do not clearly show the close proximity to no.11a which would suffer from overlooking and loss of privacy.


There will also be loss of privacy and overlooking of other properties in Bush Close to the rear of the site. None of the photos provided show the relationship of the site with properties in Bush Close.


This development sits on a very busy stretch of road that is a major bus route and

consideration must be given to the increased traffic movements accessing the

properties. There appears to be no provision within the plans for off-road vehicle parking and little room for on street parking. Family homes in an area like Woodingdean will almost always require space for vehicle parking.


We ask that you take all this into consideration when making your decision and

should you be minded to grant the application, request that the final decision be taken by the Planning Committee following a site visit.